Our recent Prom Night was covered in The Coaster – a weekly newspaper based in Asbury Park.
What are the Signs of Caregiver Stress?
It is important that caregivers remember to monitor their own health and stress levels, and not just the health of the loved one they are caring for. Stress can lead to serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and more. If you see one or more of these 10 signs of caregiver […]
Take a Tour of the Brain
Scientists work every day to look for a cure to Alzheimer’s, and much about the disease is still unknown. But how much do we really know about Alzheimer’s? We know that Alzheimer’s disease disrupts the electrical charges that help us form memories and thoughts as they travel within cells. It also interrupts the activity of […]
Build a care plan with your doctor
Doctors have long been telling the Alzheimer’s Association how time-consuming and difficult it is to put together a comprehensive care for their patients in cognitive decline. So the Association decided to create a toolkit to help doctors help their patients. Since early 2017, when the G0505 Medicare code went into effect, physicians can be reimbursed […]
New Study Sheds Light on Why Alzheimer’s Patients Wander
One thing doctors agree on when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease? Much about the disease is still unknown. But studies are finding new details about the disease that could help treat it, and maybe one day cure it – like this latest find from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC). The study addressed how Alzheimer’s patients […]
Music & Meditation Help Memory Loss
Keep the records rolling, because a recent study from West Virginia University shows that listening to music and meditating may be a worthy treatment for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and those with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. According to the study, researchers watched 60 adults who had been diagnosed with subjective cognitive decline – when […]
Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s
According the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia. It is a brain disease that causes the decline of memory, thinking and reasoning skills. Early detection of Alzheimer’s is important to get the maximum benefits from the available treatments. Here are some early signs and […]
Tips for Caregivers
One of the most difficult things for a caregiver is realizing they may no longer be able to continue to care for an elderly loved one. During this time, it is important for caregivers to remember that their health is just as important as their loved one’s health. Recognizing the signs of caregiver burnout requires […]
Watch Out for Winter
Winter can be a dangerous time for our aging loved ones – one icy patch can be the difference between a leisurely stroll and disaster. Since the groundhog saw his shadow this year, and we’ve got six more weeks of winter, here are some tips to prepare you and your loved ones for harsh winter […]
How Were Your Holidays?
With the holidays behind us, we can reflect on the quality time we spent with our families. For many of us, the trip home was a way to share memories and traditions. However, for those of us who shared the holidays with aging parents, the extended time together brought to light issues we may not […]