Keep the records rolling, because a recent study from West Virginia University shows that listening to music and meditating may be a worthy treatment for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and those with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
According to the study, researchers watched 60 adults who had been diagnosed with subjective cognitive decline – when a person experiences failing abilities to remember or think, often a precursor to Alzheimer’s or dementia.
The 60 adults were divided into two groups – one group listened to music for 12 minutes a day for 12 weeks while the other group practiced a form of beginner meditation called Kirtan Kriya for the same amount of time.
Both groups underwent cognitive tests at the three- and six-month marks, and results showed that both meditation and music helped the participants score higher. The researchers also added that both meditation and music improved the participants’ overall well-being. They also slept better, which contributed to their general quality of life.
Learn more about the study here.
And learn more about the care Onora can provide for your loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s here.