Alzheimer’s: the only disease in America’s top 10 leading causes of death that cannot be prevented, slowed or cured.
However, there are some patterns that researchers and scientists have noticed in patients who develop Alzheimer’s. This article from Health Day News sheds light on a key time frame in a woman’s life that may be the tell-all as to whether Alzheimer’s is in her future.
The study goes head to head with stigmas about the disease that significantly impact women. Researchers found that “genetically vulnerable” men and women aged 55-85 have similar chances of developing Alzheimer’s, but at 65-75 in women the risk level jumps significantly. The authors of the study hope that one day doctors will be capable of treating men and women for this disease at different ages, once more information is gathered on why this 10-year window exists.
Check out the article from Health Day here to learn more about the key window for women who may potentially be at risk for Alzheimer’s.